Advocating for women and girls for over 100 years

The YWCAs of Alberta serve over 30,000 women, gender-diverse people, and children annually across the province.

1 in 3 Albertans will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime


80% of people who experience domestic violence will tell someone in their social networks first


1 in 3 Albertans will experience domestic abuse in their lifetime | 80% of people who experience domestic violence will tell someone in their social networks first |

To end violence, we first need to understand it exists.

Family Violence isn’t confined to the home. It can show up in schools, workplaces and communities. Recognizing the signs is the first step to end family violence in our communities, and they may not always be obvious. Some indications of family violence in children may be being distracted, having trouble learning and acting out aggressively towards others. In adults, family violence may show up as withdrawing from friends and family, no longer doing activities they previously enjoyed or showing a change in personality, such as mood swings.

If you or someone you know is experiencing family violence, reach out to Alberta YW Crisis Lines in your area here. We are here to help.

“I’m here for you whatever you decide”

“You’re not alone”

“How can I help?”


Family Violence Prevention Month (November 1-30) is a Government of Alberta initiative to focus on the things we can do to increase our personal awareness and take action to prevent family violence. This November we focus on ensuring everyone has the knowledge and resources to keep themselves and their community safe. Follow through our social channels @ywcalgary @ywca_edmonton @ywcalethbridge @ywcabanff to learn more.